Everyone deserves good food.
We make it happen.

HDFFA is made up of dedicated individuals that are passionate about our mission.

Much like a food system – an interconnected web of human activities that gets food from the farm to your plate – our team works in collaboration with each other.  This includes our staff, board of directors, and advisory committee members.  As part of our culture and our mission, we integrate diversity, equity and inclusion to both foster a resilient food system and promote a culture of belonging and dignity.   We operate with open and inquisitive minds so that, together, we can grow and flourish with our community.

We encourage everyone to become leaders in our food system.


Board Members

Our Board is comprised of volunteer citizens representing Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties and various food system sectors including:
farm, ranch, food businesses, hunger relief, community health, land use, local government, university and/or the community-at-large.

Co-Chair: Amanda Singh  |  Co-Chair: Corbin Serano  |  Treasurer: Brian Kerr | Secretary: Christine Thomas


  • Katrina Van Dis
    Katrina Van Dis

    Katrina is the Founder of HDFFA she first began to create the organization in 2010 and in 2012 HDFFA became a reality. She is passionate about strengthening Central Oregon’s food system and is still doing work to help the community. 

Advisory Committees

HDFFA has two Advisory Committees: Agricultural Advisory Committee and Food Security Advisory Committee.  These committees are composed of volunteers, program beneficiaries, and farm and food access organizations.  The purpose is to advise our Team on the direction and success of our programs and specific projects including educational events, workshops, and grant objectives that best meet the needs and interests of our beneficiaries.  To learn more, click on the links above or go to our volunteer page.

Board Members (2012 – Present)

Alaina Baker, First Interstate Bank
Amanda Gow, Deschutes Cty resident
Amanda Schroeder, Farmers Conservation Alliance
Ann Snyder, White Diamond Ranch
Anna Green, Deschutes Cty. resident
Becca Burda, Whole Foods
Ben Gordan, 1,000 Friends of Oregon
Ben Miosi, Whole Foods
Beth Ann Beamer, Mt. View Hospital
Beth Newman, Deschutes Cty. resident
Billie Estridge, Timber Creek Farm
Brian Kerr, Deschutes Brewery
Carly Sanders, NeighborImpact
Christa Marney, Mosaic Medical/St. Charles
Chelsie Carter, PacificSource
Chris Casad, Casad Family Farm
Clare Sullivan, OSU Extension
Courtney Schuur, North 44 Farm
Dana Martin, OSU Extension
Doug Maragas, Maragas Winery
Gary Bishop, Bishop Farms
Gloria Olson, Jefferson Cty resident
Jason Valdez, Whole Foods
Jane Sabin-Davis
Jeff Baker, Craft 3
Jeffrey Haney, Media, Central Oregon
Jerre Kosta-Dodson, Dancing Cow Farm
John Warriner, Land Use
Jules Green, St. Charles Hospital
Juli McKee, Deschutes County/Medcor
Karen Swirsky, City of Bend
Kate Wells, St. Charles Hospital
Katherina Barguil, City of Bend
Katrina Van Dis, C.O. Intergovernmental Council
Kelsie Skinner, Navis
Heidi Weiss-Hoffman, Deschutes Cty. resident
Holly Hutton, NeighborImpact
Laura Moss, Community at large
Laura Pennevaria, Homestead Family Medicine
Lindsay Wengloski, City of Bend
Lisa Kitinoja, Post Harvest Innovations
Liz Weigand, Agricultural Connections
Megan French, Boundless Farmstead
Minda Morton, Jefferson County Health Dept.
Nancy Klatt, Remuda Ranch
Nikki Timm, Central Oregon Locavore
Owen Murphy, COCC
Penny Pritchard, Mosaic Medical
Rick Leaper, Seed Company
Sean Dodson, Farmer
Seth Crawford, Crook Cty. Commissioner
Shannon Sbarra, Volcano Veggies
Steve Murray, NeighborImpact
Tracy Wilson OSU Extension, TRI-COUNTY
Zanne Sheets, Grizzly Mountain Ranch
Contact Us

We're not around right now, but we would love to hear from you. Team HDFFA

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