Food Access Programs

Food Access

HDFFA is invested in a just and equitable food system where people have access to quality fresh food regardless of their income level. We support a sustainable food system where our food is produced in ways that protect the health of the land, those who work it, and the families and communities who consume its bounty, and where anyone can access this food.

Improving Food Security

We strengthen the ties between traditional food security efforts (food bank) and building healthy food systems (farm to plate). We purchase food directly from local farmer Partners for our Food Access programs, provide educational materials about how to shop, prep and cook with fresh foods, and reduce transportation barriers. We partner with regional organizations to improve access for residents that have been marginalized due to systems and policies that do not adequately meet their needs. Our programs are developed in collaboration with our Food Security Advisory Committee.

Kelly Moffatt

VeggieRx Senior Manager

Emily Ralston

Rural Food Security Coordinator
(Rural Food Security, Warm Springs Partnership)

Fresh Harvest Kit

Ready-to-make meal kits for those experiencing food insecurity. Each kit contains farm fresh vegetables, pantry staples, seasoning from Savory Spice, and a recipe in English and Spanish to create a nutritious meal. HDFFA collaborates with local farms and hunger relief agencies to offer these kits at local food pantries and community organizations.


Grow & Give

A fresh food drive!  We annually collect over 15,000 lbs. of fresh produce from local farmers, gardeners, and community members for the regional food bank, NeighborImpact, serving 40% of their clientele during the growing season.  In 2023, we collected over 50,000 lbs., which is the equivalent of 42,000+ meals for Central Oregonians.



A fresh produce prescription program that improves healthy eating habits for individuals experiencing food insecurity and diagnosed with diet-modifiable disease(s). Participants receive free locally grown produce, nutrition education, and one-on-one support from HDFFA’s Registered Dietitian.


Rural Food Security

HDFFA, in collaboration with Crook County Public Health and the Central Oregon Health Council, bring community members together to provide both personal and professional experience with nutrition security and health services. Our team consists of over 20 individuals that represent four regions.

  • Crook County
  • Jefferson County
  • South Deschutes County
  • North Klamath County
Work party at the Children's Learning Community Garden in Warm Springs

Shuwiyasha Food Sovereignty

A Tribal-led project focused on breaking down internalized colonization within the food system. The goal is to reduce health inequities, increase knowledge around food systems and food sovereignty, increase access to fresh foods, and lay a foundation for future local food production. This is a joint project with the Warm Springs Community Action Team.

Are you in immediate need of food?

CLICK HERE for local resources from NeighborImpact.

Partners & Funders

Funding for our Food Access programs and associated projects is supported by:

Contact Us

We're not around right now, but we would love to hear from you. Team HDFFA

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