Louise ShirleyProgram Director

Louise grew up in Suffolk, a county in England with a long farming heritage. Traveling the world as a field ecologist, she learned the deep cultural significance of food, and also worked on a number of smallholdings and ranches. She shares HDFFA’s belief that everyone deserves good food, and holds particular interest in foodways and food sovereignty.

Louise earned an M.S. Environmental Science from Washington State University, and a B.S. Ecology and Conservation from the University of Reading. Her life’s mission is to help connect people to the natural world and each other, and she believes the best way to do so is through local food! Through a thriving local food system, we can create healthier lands and waters, plus a more just, equitable, and healthy community. In her free time, Louise relishes any kind of outdoor adventure, especially lake swimming and trail running with her dogs.

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