A letter from our Executive Director

I grew up on a 25-acre cherry farm in Eastern Oregon, selling cherries on the side of the road three weeks of the year in addition to planting trees, moving rocks, picking up wood from pruned trees and moving irrigation for hours in ankle deep mud.  This lived experience taught me the value of hard work and resilience. Farming is not easy when a hailstorm in July can take out your cherry crop, or when pests can damage half the orchard.  

What we experienced in the last year, at an individual and community level, was like watching a storm roll through in July; will it pass by or will it ruin my crop?  What inspires me and gives me hope in these moments of uncertainty is the will of our farmers, ranchers, chefs and business owners to keep going as best they can.

As an organization, HDFFA believes that everyone deserves good food and that our food connects us to each other. We know that 39,000 Central Oregonians face food insecurity every day. We also know that access to fresh healthy and local foods is essential for everyone, and in the face of adversity we do our best to support our food community – from farm to plate.  

Join us in supporting and celebrating a resilient food and farm community.

Katrina Van Dis
Executive Director

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